From October 7-11, SJFC’s American Marketing Association hosted their annual Marketing Week. With the theme “Be The Change,” the focus revolved around how students will engage in and positively impact the modern marketing industry. This week’s calendar was filled with a variety of informative workshops, inspiring guest speakers, fun social events, and community service opportunities! Thanks to everyone who helped make this such an AMAzing week! Here is a short recap of last week’s events and activities:
Launch Breakfast: The week started off with AMA’s traditional launch breakfast! AMA members greeted over 65 students as they headed off to early morning classes with breakfast pizza, muffins, and donuts, as well as apple cider and orange juice!
Guest Speaker: Our first guest speaker of week was John Miller, Marketing Manager at O’Connell Electric. John shared his journey to becoming O’Connell’s first marketing manager, and the rewards and challenges of developing a marketing department. Since John’s role within the marketing department supports all other departments, he was able to share how marketing looks different from various departments. His parting comments encouraged students to be open to new opportunities and not letting disappointments have a negative impact on your future pursuits. Something better is down the road!
Canva Workshop: Monday’s events wrapped up with a AMAzing Canva workshop! E-Board Members Sarah and Clay developed a short interactive presentation demonstrating various features and template options. They also discussed basic design layout and techniques to use when designing marketing creates for class assignments.
Guest Speaker/Resume & Interview Workshop: Tuesday’s workshop was hosted by guest speaker Matthew Fox, a recruiting specialist from Terakeet. Matthew shared tips on proper resume structure and selecting relevant content. He also walked students through the interview process and how we can distinguish ourselves from other potential candidates. One of the points Matthew emphasized was the importance of having a cover letter for every application, even if it’s not technically required. The workshop wrapped up with a Q&A and students were able to ask more specific questions about how recruiters commonly evaluate resumes, what Matthew specifically looks for in a potential candidate, and how to navigate job posting websites.
Guest Speaker: AMA was delighted to welcome Jim Laury, a Leadership Development Consultant at The Hartford as Tuesday’s Guest Speaker. Jim works at The Hartford’s Syracuse agency division, and gave students an in depth overview of the company and the different marketing strategies used by an insurance agency. He also spent time exploring the idea of how we as young marketers can “Be the Change” within our fields.
Guest Speaker: Wednesday’s guest speakers were both representatives from Terakeet. Matthew Fox, a recruiting specialist, and Kylie Long, a digital outreach specialist, shared how Terakeet’s services of SEO optimization are unique. Students learned more about the importance of Google Analytics and the process of forming connections with influencers that are mutually beneficial, resulting in partnerships. After they finished their presentation, students were able to ask questions and engage in further individual discussion. This presentation was a great addition to marketing week since it focused on an area of marketing, Google SEO, that isn’t frequently discussed.
Alumni Panel: AMA was so excited to welcome four alumni to speak on a panel. Topics included how being a part of AMA changed their college experience, helped them successfully join the workforce and positively impact their careers. The conversation also included discussion about AMA events and how the club has grow and changed over the past few years. It was great to catch up with old friends and share about our similar AMAzing experiences!
Headshot Fundraiser: Thursday was a bright and sunny day, perfect for headshots! The fundraiser was very successful, thank you to all of the students and faculty that supported AMA! Everyone looked very professional in thier photos!
Movie Night: Several AMA members got together to relax after a busy marketing week and enjoyed watching a movie together! Complete with popcorn and candy, members had a great time watching a film on the big screen!
Habitat for Humanity:
The week ended with several members volunteering with Habitat for Humanity. The team worked on a house located in downtown Rochester. Various jobs included siding, digging trenching, and clearing the worksite of unnecessary rocks and debris. Members had an AMAzing time learning new construction skills and serving the community! It was a great way to finish off the week!
Marketing Week 2020… We can’t wait!